A recent story on a local news station highlighted the concerns of parents and school fundraisers brought about by the new federal and state food guidelines. With restrictions on the sale of high-fat or high-salt foods during the school day, the days of bake sales and selling snacks and candy to support extracurricular activities and organizations may be a thing of the past.
Although the ban is a blow to traditional fundraising, we don’t think it has to be death knell for fundraisers. As a matter of fact, it might turn out to be a great time to look at some fresh, updated ideas – to make healthy, non-fattening lemonade out of lemons, as it were.
There is no denying that food has always been an easy sell, but there are a number of non-food items that are in demand and can boost sales. At Flexpress, in addition to our usual printing services, we also have a world of ASI specialty and promotional items at our fingertips. School spirit and organization affiliation pride can be shown with any number of custom printed items. They range from inexpensive school supplies that any child can afford to more elaborate offerings and all can be customized with school logos, or team and organization names. Here are a few ideas that would be perfect for sale in school stores or by booster clubs:
School supplies
Although snacks have always been a big seller, there is also something to be said for the necessities. These ideas are great ways for students to show school spirit. From basic supplies such as pens, pencils, erasers, 3-ring binders, bound notebooks, notepads, pocket folders, calendars, student directories, lanyards, backpacks and lunch bags to tech accessories such as USB flash drives, phone chargers, tablet stands, mouse pads, iPhone cases, cell phone wallets and card holders there are options for every age and budget level.
Printed t-shirts are always a great, inexpensive way to create a buzz. They are perfect for teams, clubs, supporters, and also as souvenirs of field trips and competitions. For schools with strict uniform dress codes, polo shirts with an embroidered logo are a perfect way for schools to raise funds throughout the year. And of course there are a wide selection of hats and caps, sweatshirts, windbreakers, socks, wristbands, – even shoelaces! – that can be custom imprinted.
Concession Stand Items
There are still healthy ways to fundraise in sports related concession stands. Custom labeled bottled water is a prime example and much more affordable than many people realize. There are also opportunities to sell value-added items such as plastic souvenir stadium cups, reusable plastic or aluminum water bottles, plastic baseball helmet ice cream bowls, and koozies.
Sports Specific Products
Golf balls, golf tees, golf pencils, spirit towels, mini footballs, folding chairs, umbrellas, noisemakers, fans, temporary tattoos, and stadium cushions are just a few items that can be custom printed and sold to help raise revenue for the teams.
Printed materials
Of course there are a number of ways to raise money with printed items. Decals, window clings, banners, buttons, flags, yard signs, bumper stickers, holiday cards, magnetic signs, bookmarks, event programs and guides are all our specialty and popular fundraising items.
We hope this list puts the worries to rest and shows there can be healthy alternatives that won’t put fundraising efforts on a crash diet. Contact us at sales@flexpress.com to discuss these and other ideas.