It’s that time again, when we shine the spotlight on one of our own. We have a great group of people working at Flexpress and we want to let you get to know them as well as we do. Today we focus on John, one of the terrific linchpins in our hand bindery department.
What is your official title at Flexpress?
Bindery Production/Fulfillment
How long have you been with Flexpress?
One and a half years
What did you do prior to working with Flexpress?
I interned with the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department while pursuing a Criminal Justice degree at Sam Houston State University.
How would you describe your duties at Flexpress?
To make sure every job I touch in the bindery runs smoothly and efficiently.
What is your favorite part of your job?
I really like working with a diverse group of people here and constantly learning new things.
What one thing would people be most surprised to find out about you?
That I’m quiet at first, but once you get to know me then you can’t shut me up.
What do you like to do outside of work?
I’ve always enjoyed the outdoors and I like to hunt and fish. At home I like to cook – BBQ mainly. I’m also very athletic so I enjoy competitive sports.
Where are your favorite places to hunt and fish?
My favorite place to hunt is south Texas, I grew up in that area. If I have to pick a favorite fishing spot I would say on the Trinity River or Lake Livingston. My favorite spot for bay fishing is around Baffin Bay.
You mentioned you enjoy competitive sports? Any in particular?
BMX, football, baseball and karate are my favorites.
What else do you like to do with your free time? Are there any organizations that you belong to?
Yes, I’m an active alumnus of the Alpha Tau Omega fraternity and a volunteer for the Ray Childress Foundation, a non-profit organization, which does a lot of community work including food drives, Adopt-a-Highway and Adopt-a-Beach maintenance, and cooking for the Ronald McDonald house.
OK, one final question. Flexpress has a lot of delicious potluck lunches. You have a special dish that is always in demand. Want to tell us about it?
I always cook Jalapeño Poppers. It’s a piece of marinated beef stuffed inside a jalapeño with cream cheese, and then wrapped with bacon. Flexpress has a grill out back so I always make them hot and fresh for our potlucks. I learned how to make them from my dad, he taught me everything there is to know about grilling and cooking good BBQ.
Thanks, John. I’m sure a lot of people will be asking for an invitation to the next company potluck lunch!